Charlas y Talleres
Activities 2015
Talks on the beach, surfing tournaments, visits to the Marine Reserve, dives around the island, garbage collection and monitoring of leatherback nests.

First Conversation of Santurcinas Communities Organized by the Santurcinos Ecosystem Restoration Coalition, CRES.

The proposal that we bring to the First Congress of Santurcinas Communities is that the residents and users take charge of the protection and vigilance of their respective coastal areas with the support, participation and collaboration of the different organizations. The metropolitan turtle groups are already doing it.

Surfing tournament organized by Water World Surfing, concessionaire on Isla Verde beach (east).

Presentations to the Dorado and San Juan Rotary Club.

Representatives of the community group El Puente de Nueva York and Grupo Enlace, organizers of the Climate Change walk on April 30, 2016, visit the Marine Reserve. Learning and a true honor to receive Professor Luis Garden Acosta.
"There is no one who loves their homeland more than the one who has to go into exile, for whatever reasons."