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Activities 2019

We held several educational activities with Scuba Dog and the DNER about microplastics, Olympus employees visited us and also received information about the marine reserve. With the Surfrider Foundation we welcome the organization Tale of a Cocktail Foundation. During the week of Coral Reefs we take the opportunity to offer a talk on the beach dedicated to sand.

Seven years since the Marine Reserve was designated. An exquisite experience! A lot of work to do voluntarily with a lot of love for our Boricua Archipelago. We thank the biologists and friends Sammy Suleiman from the Marine Environment Society, Ruz Deliz from OPAS, Carlos Diez from the DRNA and Ricardo Lugo from the Tortugueros of Isla Verde, contributing their knowledge to Carlos Diez from the DRNA and Ricardo Lugo of the Tortugueros of Isla Verde, contributing their knowledge in the activity and especially to the assistants who accompanied us.

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