Trash on the Beaches
Our garbage on the beaches
The plastic containers, cans, bags that we take to the beach and do not pick up, we leave them lying on the sand and end up in the sea.
This is how they left the beach after the beach festivals. Starting in 1993, the Tourism Company contracts private companies to clean the beach and the situation has changed considerably. Mangual Cleaning Services currently cleans the beach daily. Education through the years has also created awareness. The maxim should be "Take everything you bring" because there are beaches where there are no garbage cans. On our urban beaches, the garbage problem is mostly bottle caps, cigarette butts, straws, foam, and micro plastics. Isla Verde resulted in the study carried out by Scuba Dog in second place with more microplastics in the water.

We work with Scuba Dog, DRNA, the Municipality of Carolina and the House of Representatives in cleaning the beach during the Night of San Juan and every time we swim, the yellow bag in which we put the garbage we find accompanies us. We always come up with something...

Messages and actions in environmental education by citizens.

Lara Cartagena had the initiative to create "Orillas sin Colillas". If you come to the beach and smoke, take an ashtray and when you leave, throw the butts into the garbage can, return the ashtray to its place. Dealers who rent chairs offer them to their smoking customers.

90 second animation and you can see and use it on the channel Marine Reserve on YouTube